Friday, 6 March 2015

Toddler & Toast

Welcome - a little about me...

I am Maria, mummy to Austin (11 months).

Having a baby has litteraly changed my world, my interests and my opinions and I want to share those with you, what we get up to, what we eat (the baby led weaning way) and anything else that interesting that crops up along the journey.

I always knew I would be a mother, (as cocky as that sounds!) and as mush as he was planned, I don't think I could ever truly be prepared for what being someone's mum would bring!

It is so true, being pregnant passes in the blink of an eye, the birth as painful as it was, forgotten shortly after he was born. I remember leaving the hopsital and the midwives saying "see you in a couple of years" and my response being "paaa! doubt it!" But you know what, I could do it again!

The begining of his life, the joy, the excitment, the fear! The sleepless nights... "it goes so fast and the sleepless nights will soon be a hazy dream" they said, and you know what 'they' were right!

So much so, that it actually does feel like a dream, did I really carry a tiny baby for almost 9 months, did I really squeeze him out of my vagine into the world, watch him every day, smile, grow, amaze me. I did! I have the thousands and thousands of pictures to prove it!

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy and come back for more.

Good morning, good evening and good night - Maria

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