Sunday, 29 March 2015

The Laydees

I saw some blogs recently where the writers had written a letter to their 15 year old self. I loved them! Looking back, 15 was an amazing age and I wanted to jump on the band wagon, so I got my best friends together, who I met when I was 15, and we all wrote to ourselves...

Maria, 15, what an age, you were so worried about moving bands (classes) at school, worried you wouldn’t make new friends, well you needn’t be worried, because those girls that you met, they are the best friends you’ll ever have and dare I say it, you’ll never shake them off!

You fancy yourself as a bit of ring leader of this group that you will affectionately name ‘the laydees’ in a few years time. Wasting time in classes planning ‘the Laydees Street’ or drawing mushtashes on your face really isn’t cool! Stop it now! Pay a little more attention, stop giving your teachers attitude, although you really don’t need your GCSEs, it would be nice to get some decent grades.

You thought you were so cool, running around school swapping shoes with Lucie and wearing knee high socks, but I can tell you now, it’s really not a good look. But you didn’t care, you were so free spirited and arrogant at times.

Some of your happiest times will be with these girls, just sat at Mr C’s house making up dance routines to anything that came on MTV (hard to believe your really 15, right!?).

At 15 you re-connect with a boy from your past, who will become your first proper boy friend, you will end up spending 3 years of your life with him, I don’t want to tell you that you wasted your life with him, but things come to an end, it’s difficult to deal with and some days you think you won’t be able to move on. But trust me you do.

You go on to study fashion design, which you excel at, but you don’t take it any further, because you do meet the love of your life, the man you will marry and you will have a baby! In 13 years time who would have thought that you would be responsible for another person, an amazing little person who lights up your life.

There will be some really difficult dark days that will come up in the future, but I know you are strong enough to get through it.

Stay strong, stay amazing, stay funny, stay original, love yourself, you are pretty amazing, even if you don’t tell yourself enough.

Yours eternally, Maria, 27.
Dear 15 year old Kenzie,
Heres some friendly notes on life from someone who loves you.
Don’t say that you hate yourself and try not to think it. I know that others have things you want or are taller/ prettier?!/ richer than you but you have a lot to be very happy about.
You have family all over that no matter how little you see them love you all the time. You have amazing friends that need you just as much as you need them and will still be around 10 or 20 years from now!
You have loads to look forward to, even things you never knew you wanted.
All you think about is bloody boys! Don’t think that you will fall in love and ride off into the sunset with whoever! Your love won’t run out and if someone brakes your heart it will mend by itself pretty fast. You can invest everything you have on someone who seems right but if they are not willing to invest everything they have on you, move along.
I’d go so far as to say forget about boys all together, at least until your about 25… They are still as clueless about feelings but know a lot more about sex :)
If you were to get some upsetting news, say for instance… you might not be able to have kids. Just research it you can answer your own questions by picking up a book. On that note read as much as possible, you love reading so should do it more than you do!
Don’t spend so much time worrying about your weight. Your happiness is so much more important. Get out more, eat less crap and drink more water.
See you soon.
Lots of love,
Kenzie x
15 year old Lucie, where shall we start?

Lets start with school because lets face it, you absolutely HATE it and hate it even more when people tell you you'll regret not learning when you're older. Oh how you thought they were crazy! But let me tell you, you will completely regret it! So please try your best, you are capable of doing so much better.
I'll let you into a little secret, in 10 years time when the internet is apart of your every day life you'll see the 'brainy' ones aren't anymore brainy than you, so get your head down!!

Stop judging yourself so much. There are lots of people out there who like you. It might take 5,10 or even 20 years to find them, but you will.
Please don't feel you have to sleep with every single lad that shows you the tiniest bit of interest because let me tell you, it ends like you could never ever imagine and it is no fun at all. Do not cheat on the man you love and don't sleep with married men - neither end well.

You really need to try your best at not being shy and go out with friends even if you don't feel like it. You'll end up pushing them away and that could end up with you in counselling in the future. There's nothing to be ashamed of but you can so easily make that never happen.

One thing I am very proud of is how you don't feel pressured into 'fitting in'. You wear what you want, when you want, even if people mock and laugh at your outfit choice. God, remember when you wore boys boots and patterned tights with a skirt? Everyone laughed but a year later every lass was wearing them! Big fat lol ;)!
Remember how happy and care free you were when you and Maria wore odd trainers to walk to school in. I'm glad you've kept that fashion sense up.

Anyway, I better go, I'm working very hard on loving every bit about you and its exhausting, even confusing at times but I know I'll get there.

Bye xxx
Curls my love,

If I could meet u now I would slap u in the face and give you a shake for the things you're gonna regret. However one thing that will always be there are the friends you've made. I know you worried and still worry about people moving on and just disappearing from your life. You will worry about what Becky will do when she finished school because you're scared to death of being left behind. Please believe in yourself more. Because in later years you will realise that three people believe in you. Those three people will truly touch your heart. Love like that never dies so you need to hold on to that. The people who disappear weren't worth it. Stop worrying about what irrelevant people think. The people around you.....the laydees.....they think you rock. Never did I see imagine finding three of the most amazing weirdos as Murg, Ken and Lulu.

It's ok to not know what u want to do. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself. I swear to god if you carry in like this you will make me bald and the victim of a heart attack in my later years.
I want you to not be so naive. I don't want you to be taken for a ride. Stop seeing the best in everybody. You have the most amazing friends. You need to listen to them. You're gonna get taken for a ride which will in a way feel like your life is over. But when you've come to terms with it some other things are gonna happen. That will be like a slap in the face. You'll realise just how much a certain person loves you. You always knew you were friends and would always try and be there for each other but there's gonna be a shit storm in your later laydee years. Trust me this will happen for a reason. You will be a stronger person for it and it will lead to only happiness and positive things from then on. I know it's shit but I think it's what you needed. You'll have an epiphany trust me.

Apart from all the heartache. Please remember on the background those three weirdos will always be there. Maybe not over the road or in Morrison’s doing as little work as possible. But they are there. They are in your heart forever.

Haircuts........all I can say is my goodness. You're gonna go through all sorts of phases. Most of them are gonna involve you looking like a penis/man boy. But I can assure you after your 'epiphany' you find yourself. And the hairstyle most suited to you.

Basically all you need to remember is that he following are the most important things ever:

Always be true to yourself
Never put someone else's happiness first
Never doubt how much those three weirdos love you. They love the bones of you. And you love the bones of them. You would stop the making of tea and cheese for any of them
Tea and cheese and Chinese/burgers with any of the three weirdos make anything feel better

One more thing. You're gonna be one of theeee proudest people ever in many years to come when two midgets enter life.

Everything happens for a reason. Some things are fucking terrible but I pinky swear you will come out of that shit storm covered in glitter.

Grandma curls x
Thank you to my best friends for taking part and being so honest, I love you all more than you could ever imagine


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